Best Dishes to Try in Barcelona: What’s Eating Barcelona

Any list of best dishes to try in Barcelona will be lengthy. There is no shortage of great foods and restaurants.

Barcelona is a foodie lovers paradise. My love affair with Barcelona starts and ends with food!

No one wants to have a bad food experience. Especially, when most of us only have a few days in Barcelona.

Thus, focusing on the best choices becomes critical. I encourage reading some good food guides before your trip.

However, even those visitors on longer stays will want to avoid choosing poorly. Finding Barcelona’s best dishes takes just a little bit of research. I find it is well worth the extra effort.

shrimp L"Ostia

Most tapas restaurants or bars have a good variety of foods to try. I recommend ordering one or two dishes to start.

The tapas food culture encourages sampling a couple dishes. Typically, you will move on to another place to try more food.

Patatas bravas is a traditional favorite comfort food of mine. I often order it at most traditional tapas restaurants. However, remember not every restaurant has good patatas bravas, paella, etc. Some research will highlight good places from obvious bad restaurants to avoid.

crema catalana

I’ve put together this list as a starting point for your Barcelona food journey. This is not a “best of Barcelona” ranking list. Rather, it’s a good beginning.

I think it is good to familiarize yourself with some key dishes & restaurants. I am sure you will find your own favorite dishes and restaurants to tell the next traveler.

Also, I have provided some restaurant recommendations for each dish mentioned. These places have consistently provided good experiences.

Unless noted, all suggestions are based on my own personal tasting experience.

9 Best Dishes to Try in Barcelona

Seafood Paella:

This iconic rice dish originates from Valencia. Traditionally, it is made with saffron flavored rice in a signature flat pan. In addition, several vegetables and meat options are added. The seafood paella is quite popular in Barcelona.

seafood paella
seafood paella

Try the langostinos (larger shrimp), clams, mussels, and fresh fish. If available, splurge for the lobster.

Most restaurants serve large portions. Therefore, paella is meant for sharing. However, some restaurants, such as Cerveceria Catalana, will offer tapas sized portions.

Restaurant recommendations: Can Majo and Pez Vela in the Barceloneta neighborhood are great choices. My favorite tapas restaurants: Cerveceria Catalana in the Eixample neighborhood is definitely a must visit. Especially when they add paella to the tapas del dia!

Jamon Iberico de Bellota:

Arguably the best ham in the world! This cured ham is made from Spanish Iberian pigs that are fed an acorn diet.

best iberican ham dish barcelona
Jamon Iberico

The special carving process takes immense skill and training. The ham is silky smooth and melts in your mouth like butter. It is a very nice foodie experience.

Where to try it: Vila Viniteca gourmet food and wine shop. The shop offers an incredible ham tasting and wine pairing experience.

Galician Octopus/Pulpo a la Gallega:

One of my favorite dishes to order in Barcelona. It is grilled octopus in olive oil, smoked paprika, and potatoes. The dish is easy to over cook and the meat can become chewy.

best grilled pulpo dish barcelona
pulpo a la Gallega

Therefore, special appreciation is given for the chefs that get it right. Look for specialty pulperias or restaurants that come highly recommended.

Restaurant recommendations: Pez Vela Chiringuito at the base of the W Hotel. Also Jai-Ca Bar in the Barceloneta neighborhood. Both are solid choices for tasty pulpo a la Gallega.

Patatas Bravas:

Fried mini potatoes in a spicy aoili sauce. It’s super simple, but my favorite tapas comfort food. This dish is on most menus and not very expensive.

best patatas bravas dish barcelona
patatas bravas

Bar Tomas in Sarria gets rave reviews for their patatas bravas in Barcelona. I am looking forward to trying their version on my next trip!

Restaurant recommendations: I like Cerveceria Catalana for patatas bravas. You will also get other high quality tapas across their menu.

Crema Catalana:

A tasty dessert that originated in the Catalan region. It is made from creamy vanilla custard and finished with a signature sugar caramel crust.

best crema catalana dish barcelona
crema catalana

You can find some versions flavored with cinnamon or lemon zest. Simple ingredients is all that is needed for this dessert.

Restaurant recommendations: Cal Pep in el Born is quite the food experience.

Gambas al Ajillo (Langostinos-larger shrimp):

Barcelona’s Mediterranean location means lots of fresh seafood options. I tend to lean towards the grilled versions .

gambas al ajillo
gambas al ajiolli

Gambas al ajillo are grilled shrimp in olive oil and garlic. Langostinos are larger versions and equally as tasty.

Restaurant recommendations: Jai-Ca Bar in Barceloneta is good for lots of seafood tapas.


Smaller pieces of baguette mounted with inventive and tasty toppings. These are open-faced and are about two to three bites in size.

montaditos best dishes to try in barcelona
Selection of Spanish tapas served on a sliced baguette.

My favorite montadito restaurant is Quimet y Quimet. Make sure to order the smoked salmon. It is topped with yogurt, truffled honey and balsamic glaze. It may be hard to order anything else!

Pan con Tomate:

Toasted slices of baguette rubbed with fresh tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, and salt. It is a simple but a very tasty starter.

pan con tomate
pan con tomate

On many menus, you may find the bread listed as Pa amb tomaquet. Pan con tomate originated in the Catalan region.

Restaurant recommendation: Pez Vela Chiringuito at the base of the W Hotel Barcelona.

Navajas al Ajillo (razor clams):

Razor clams cooked in olive oil and garlic. I love to order this dish in Barcelona. The clams are very fresh. A simple preparation method makes this dish outstanding.

Restaurant recommendation: Cal Pep in the El Born neighborhood has great seafood. Try and snag a seat at the tapas bar.

navajas al ajiolli best dishes to try in barcelona
navajas al ajiolli

I hope your interest in Barcelona’s food scene becomes as enthusiastic as mine. This list of best dishes to try in Barcelona is just scratching the surface. However, you will have a great starting point by following some of my recommendations.

For more additional information on Barcelona read my travel guides:

la sagrada familia link to cornerstone article
Barcelona Travel Tips & Guide
Barceloneta images for article links
Barceloneta Neighborhood Food Guide

Thanks for reading. Please follow me on Instagram and Pinterest @Foody.Tipsy.Traveler. More travel and food articles coming soon. Cheers!

FoodyTipsyTraveler | Kevin

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